About the Author

Benowned businessman and serial entrepreneur Bob Williamson has achieved national acclaim for his business acumen and philanthropic efforts. All told Williamson has founded 11 successful businesses. His largest business accomplishment to date was the establishment of one of the most successful food service technology companies in the United States, Horizon Software International; a company that he sold in 2008 for $75 million cash that revolutionized the institutionalized food service market with its innovative software.

What makes Williamson’s accomplishments all the more inspiring is to understand the tremendous personal challenges that he overcame in his early life which he details in his recent book, Miracle on Luckie Street. His childhood was dark and by the time he was fifteen he was an alcoholic; he attended 19 different schools; he graduated to intravenous meth and heroin use and became a hard core addict; he was extremely violent, carried a .357 Magnum, and became a dangerous criminal committing armed robberies; he was kicked out of the military as a diagnosed sociopath; he spent time in Parrish Prison in New Orleans, he went through a nasty divorce; his family had given up on him; he was homeless, penniless, was a loner that didn’t have a single friend; and didn’t believe in God.

Bob Williamson
Top row: Michelle K, Jon, Owen, Nick, Teresa, Michael, me, Little Jim, Bottom row: Evan, Michelle C., Hailey, Lauren, Ashlee, Lee

At the age of 22 he’d reached the point where he felt that suicide was his only viable option and he was ready and willing to pull the trigger, but then a horrific car accident and a chance encounter with a merciful nurse helped change his life. During his long recovery he read the Bible and found faith in God and along with it personal redemption and hope. He stopped taking drugs and alcohol. He started at rock bottom, worked hard and smart, started a business, and virtually overnight accumulated a small fortune and achieved what he

From Homeless Drug Addict to Multimillionaire – His Personal Turnaround


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